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You Don't Have To Learn Mixing & Mastering The Hard Way...

We are a publication ran by a team of audio engineers that want to create an educational hub for those wanting to learn about recording, mixing, mastering and the music business.

We are a publication ran by a team of audio engineers that want to create an educational hub for those who want to learn about recording, mixing, mastering and the music business.

We are a publication ran by a team of audio engineers that want to create an educational hub for those who want to learn about recording, mixing, mastering and the music business.

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You Don't Have To Learn Mixing & Mastering The Hard Way...

We are a publication ran by a team of audio engineers that want to create an educational hub for those wanting to learn about recording, mixing, mastering and the music business.

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What The Blog Is About

Whether you're an aspiring musician, producer, or audio engineer, understanding the fundamentals of recording, mixing, mastering, and the music business is essential for bringing your creative vision to life.

Through this website, we will take you on a journey through the intricacies of each stage of the music production process. By reading the articles and subscribing to the newsletter, you'll have a solid foundation to create high-quality music and navigate the ever-evolving music industry landscape, all for free.

We will be giving away everything we have learned through our careers as audio engineers. This is all in the hopes of helping you avoid the hundreds, if not thousands of mistakes we have made along the way.


Here's What We Cover


In the recording section, we will explore the art of capturing sound in a studio or home recording environment. You will learn about:

  1. Setting up Your Recording Space: Discover the importance of acoustic treatment, microphone placement techniques, and selecting the right microphones and preamps.
  2. Tracking Techniques: Understand how to achieve optimal recordings for vocals, guitars, drums, and other instruments. Learn about the principles of gain staging, signal flow, and proper use of effects during tracking.
  3. Multitrack Recording: Dive into the concept of multitrack recording and explore the benefits of recording different instruments separately. Discover techniques for layering tracks, comping, and creating a well-balanced mix-ready recording.


In the mixing section, we will delve into the art of blending individual tracks into a cohesive and sonically pleasing mix. Topics covered include:

  1. Mixing Workflow: Develop an understanding of the mixing process, including track organization, gain staging, and the importance of reference tracks. Explore the role of EQ, compression, reverb, delay, and other effects in shaping the sound.
  2. Balancing and Panning: Learn how to achieve a balanced mix by adjusting the volume levels and panning positions of individual tracks. Discover techniques for creating depth, width, and a sense of space in your mix.
  3. Automation and Creative Mixing Techniques: Explore the power of automation to add movement and dynamics to your mix. Uncover creative techniques such as parallel processing, bus processing, and using effects to enhance specific elements in the mix.


The mastering section focuses on the final stage of music production, where the mix is polished and prepared for distribution. Key concepts include:

  1. Mastering Process and Workflow: Understand the role of a mastering engineer and the process of finalizing a mix. Learn about loudness normalization, file formats, and preparing the tracks for different distribution platforms.
  2. Equalization and Dynamics Processing: Discover how to apply subtle EQ adjustments and dynamic processing to enhance the overall balance and impact of the mix. Explore techniques for stereo enhancement, harmonic excitement, and controlling dynamics.
  3. Finalizing the Master: Uncover the importance of critical listening and quality control in the mastering stage. Explore techniques for finalizing the tonal balance, applying fades, spacing between tracks, and creating a seamless listening experience.

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